
500 Nations Multimedia CD-ROM

There were some 500 Indian Nations thriving and flourishing in North America long before
the influx of Europeans. The rich diversity of these cultures was explored in an 8-part documentary series titled "500 Nations" hosted by Kevin Costner. Information from the series (and its companion book) was developed into a CD-ROM distributed by Microsoft.

Bill Morgan started Mass Productions for the development of this beautiful interactive CD-ROM. I was hired as the project's line producer to handle day-to-day production issues from computer problems to bug testing, networking, multimedia authoring, and as a liaison with Microsoft for testing the final product (in Seattle). I was also in charge of the localizations of the CD into French and Spanish, including overseeing translations for screen text and hiring voice-over talent for the audio.

Click on the thumbnails below for a larger picture and brief description. The screens will play as a slide show or you can advance them individually. Click the lower right X to close.

500 Nations Home Screen

500 Nations Home Screen

Anasazi Indians

Anasazi Indians

Stories of Creation

Stories of Creation

Trade among Native Americans

Trade among Native Americans

Kiowa Tribe

Kiowa Tribe

500 Nations Map of Native Americans

500 Nations Map of Native Americans

Gallery of Pictures

Gallery of Pictures

Cheyenne Indians

Cheyenne Indians

The importance of the horse.

The importance of the horse.

500 Nations Timeline Screen

500 Nations Timeline Screen

Kevin Kostener Introduction

Kevin Kostener Introduction

500 Nations Pathfinders Screen

500 Nations Pathfinders Screen

Project Credit — Line Producer